Healthy Environment for a Healthy Start:
Promoting Environmental Justice for Equitable Birth Outcomes

The Mom and Baby Action Network, in collaboration with members of the Environmental Justice Workgroup, is excited to share our report “Healthy Environment for a Healthy Start: Promoting Environmental Justice for Equitable Birth Outcomes.” The report’s goal is to provide a foundation of data connecting reproductive justice and environmental justice concerns in the United States. The briefs contained within explain why major environmental health issues such as air pollution, extreme heat, fossil fuels, cosmetics, and natural disasters should also be understood and managed as serious reproductive justice and maternal and newborn health problems. Data and key research are presented showing how environmental health threats are exacerbating the current inequities that exist for Black, Indigenous, and other BIPOC pregnant and birthing people and their infants in the US.

Below you’ll find the full report, topic brief one pagers, a report slide deck, and additional learning resources. We invite you to learn with us, join our efforts to advance equitable maternal and infant health outcomes, and advocate in your respective communities to advance environmental justice for all.



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Environmental Justice Webinar co-hosted by March of Dimes Mom and Baby Action Network

Environmental Impacts on Maternal and Infant Health

New Report: Maternal Wellness in a Changing Climate: Doulas' Vital Perspectives
Discover how climate change impacts maternal health through the eyes of doulas with our new report, "Maternal Wellness in a Changing Climate: Doulas' Vital Perspectives." Spearheaded by members of the Environmental Justice Working Group, this report delves into doulas' perceptions of climate change, their interest in engaging in climate-related work, and provides recommendations on how to best support them as frontline climate workers. Gain essential insights and practical guidance to better support birthworkers and enhance the well-being of mothers and newborns in an evolving environmental landscape.