
IMPLICIT Interconception Care Toolkit

Mom and Baby Action Network

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The IMPLICIT (Interventions to Minimize Preterm and Low birth weight Infants using Continuous Improvement Techniques) Network is a family medicine maternal-child health learning collaborative focused on improving care for women, infants, and families through faculty, resident, and student development and quality improvement.

The Network develops, implements, evaluates, and optimizes new and existing models of care, including IMPLICIT ICC, focused on improving birth outcomes and the health of women, infants, and families. The IMPLICIT interconception care toolkit provides the necessary background, evidence, and resources to successfully implement the IMPLICIT ICC model in the context of well-child visits. Because no two clinical sites are identical, each practice can tailor the model to meet its needs and those of the population it serves.

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Every family can have the best possible start. But today, too many moms and babies are dying or experiencing serious health complications related to childbirth­—and far too many are moms and babies of color. Only by working together can we confront inequities and ensure the health and wellbeing of every family.

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