The Mom and Baby Action Network National Equity Framework Guide

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The National Equity Framework (NEF) Guide was prepared in collaboration with Mom and Baby Action Network (M-BAN) partners and subject matter experts who are working to implement and support solutions contained in the NEF and taking part in mutually reinforcing activities dedicated to advancing the five strategies of the NEF. The guide features examples of aligned emerging and promising programs, policies, partnerships, and best practices led by organizations at the national, state, and local level to reduce racial disparities and achieve greater equity in birth outcomes. Each chapter of the guide features examples of how the NEF strategies and solutions are being implemented across the country, along with additional resources partners can consult to identify relevant data sources and indicators to measure and monitor success.

In collaboration with the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP), M-BAN will continue to grow the body of implementation knowledge aligned with the strategies in the NEF. Strategies will be integrated into the AMCHP Innovation Hub and examples of strategies in action will be regularly updated and added for partners to access and reference. Additionally, we’ll continue to spotlight examples of relevant aligned efforts in upcoming M-BAN learning opportunities, communications, and conferences to further equip our partners with tangible references for how we can collectively translate the NEF into action.



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